Day 2 of 21

Ah, made it through Day 2. Here’s the lowdown:

1 Scone : 7pts

1/2 Quesadilla: 10 pts
16 Tostitos Artisan chips: 4 pts ( I know, right, I was surprised it was this low point-wise )

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce: 16pts
Cheese added to Spaghetti: 8 pts

Caramel Frappucino: 8pts

Total: 47 out of my 48 allotted points.

Now, while this isn’t a picture of health, it’s definitely progress. On to day 3. I’m on a roll.

Day 1 of 21 Update

In the ongoing (starting ) endeavor on Weight Watchers, I definitely made a pickle for myself with tonight’s outing. I basically knocked my weekly points over all down by half. It was an outing with friends, never a good thing for Weight Watchers. But, in the spirit of the 21 days project, I have recorded everything, and, if I stick to my guns, should be able to make a productive week of it, so I’m marking Day 1 a success in practice, if not in perfection.

Day 1 of 21 again

Welcome to the new home of the 21 days project. They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. I began this project 3 days into the new year in the hopes of doing 1 activity consistently once per day for 21 days. The criteria was as follows:

It must be something outside of my normal activities

It must improve my life in some way

If I miss 1 day, I begin anew

As you can tell from the title of this post, I’ve rebooted a couple of times.

I decided to begin posting the project on this blog, as I’d like my other site, to remain more focused on professional insights rather than personal. I hope you will join me on this repetitive journey.

The first goal is to follow my weight-watchers program to a t for 21 days. Wish me luck!